Learning Communities

The Best Way to Start College

充分利用大学的第一年,和你的新同学一起参加共同的学习经历. 第一年学习正规买球平台有哪些(FYLC)旨在帮助您结交朋友,并与有兴趣帮助一年级学生顺利过渡到大学的教师建立关系. 一些学习正规买球平台有哪些提供专业介绍,而另一些则围绕有趣的主题或当前问题建立. 所有正规买球平台有哪些都包括两门课程,满足专业或普通教育要求.

Some learning communities provide:

  • 介绍一个专业,而其他专业则围绕一个感兴趣的领域或当前的问题.
  • a component called New Student Seminar, a one-credit, 延伸导向大学,包括大学技能发展, a chosen piece of text that everyone reads, and an introduction to the liberal arts. The New Student Seminar is very popular.
  • an Information Literacy course, 哪一项毕业要求能帮助你在大学生涯中培养扎实的研究和探究技能.

Fall 2023 Learning Communities

Introduction to the Majors

FYLC 101 A - Business Thinking & Speaking (Business)
What is one thing you must be able to do in the business world? Communicate your ideas and knowledge! 加入我们,获得一个独特的机会,学习像一个优雅而专业的商务人士那样思考和说话. 《正规买球平台有哪些》介绍了财务会计的基础知识和以沟通为目的组织信息的方法,而《可以买滚球的正规平台》则教会学生组织, verbalize ideas, and effectively communicate in teams. ACCT 201, COMM 129, NSS 101.

FYLC 101b -传播科学(科学/专业前健康职业)
传播科学学习正规买球平台有哪些是为希望接受强大的科学培训和传播经验的学生设计的,为健康和人类服务的职业生涯做准备. 这个学习正规买球平台有哪些的学生将在生物学方面培养批判性思维技能,并重点学习口头交流和信息素养. 学习正规买球平台有哪些的总体目标是培养具有科学意识的学生,他们明白沟通技巧对未来的医疗保健职业至关重要. BIOL 199, BIOL 199 Lab, COMM 203, NSS 101, IL 101.

FYLC 101 C - Growing Up Then and Now (Education)
你和你的曾祖父或曾祖母是同一个人吗? Were you raised any differently? From generation to generation, 儿童和青少年的心理发展有轻微的,有时是巨大的变化. EDUC 284, NSS 101, IL 101.

FYLC 101 D - Career Exploration in Psychology (Psychology)
Love psychology? So do we! 我们希望你对心理学感兴趣,因为你对人类行为很好奇, emotions and mental processes. However, at some point, you will have to get a job! There are so many things you can do with a psychology degree, it can be hard to figure out what is best for you. 这个学习正规买球平台有哪些将让你探索心理学是如何在教育和心理学问题的意识的各种职业道路中使用的, prevention and intervention services, clinical careers, research within psychology, and evaluation of community-based programs. PSYC 105, ENGL 101, PSYC 100, IL 101, NSS 101.

FYLC 101 E Supporting Health and Wellness for Life
Are you interested in health and wellness? 你有兴趣帮助人们保持和实现健康和生活的意义吗? In this learning community, 您将探索许多健康专业,并了解每个人在与跨专业团队合作时如何结合以人为本的方法. 心理学和伦理学的重要性将成为重点,作为与人们合作实现其健康和保健目标的重要组成部分. PSYC 212, PHIL 207, HS 100, NSS 101.

Open Interest

FYLC 101 F - The Ethics of Forgiveness
这个学习型正规买球平台有哪些探讨解决冲突的意义, reconciliation and forgiveness, 通过发展调解冲突管理技能,然后在当地中学志愿担任调解员. 学生们将看到道德义务如何影响我们对宽恕的理解,以及如何整合正义与和解的概念来改变我们解决冲突的方法. PHIL 207, THEO 100,
NSS 101.

FYLC 101 G - Faces of Globalization
全球化的面孔不仅寻求在广泛的当前全球问题上探索全球化的各个方面,包括国际冲突/恐怖主义, climate change, human rights, population and immigration, poverty, trade, labor and social justice, energy, but also to evaluate their implications. PSCI 130提供普通教育学分的社会科学和COMM 132满足普通教育COMM的要求, and NSS 101 counts toward graduation. PSCI 130, COMM 132, NSS 101.

FYLC 101 H - The Hero's / Heroine's Path
Artists, storytellers, and filmmakers repeatedly revisit themes, depicting and recreating symbols, archetypes, and characters from myths, legends, folklore, and other tales. In The Hero's / Heroine's Path, 学生将调查和比较涵盖广泛文明的人物和故事的复杂艺术和文学描绘, time periods, and forms, from Luke Skywalker to Mulan, and Hogwarts to the Land of the Dead. AH 121, ENGL 120, NSS 101.

Honors Foundation Program

Honors Foundation Program

荣誉预科课程促进学生的成长,他们乐于探索自己的世界,为正规买球平台有哪些做出贡献. 学生和教授通过跨学科调查和正规买球平台有哪些参与共同面对复杂的人类问题. Through these experiences students gain skills in communication, integrative thinking, 解决问题的能力将成为自由和成长的基础,从第一份工作到一生的探索, learning, and creative action in the world.

荣誉基础课程满足通识教育和其他大学毕业要求, therefore, 该课程通常不会增加学生的总学分要求. 荣誉预科课程可以由所有专业的学生完成.

FYLC 101-HON1 Exploring Connections: Inventive Storytelling.
HON 101-A: Whether you are writing a scientific report, presenting a new ad campaign to your marketing team, 或者起草下一个轰动一时的剧本或获奖诗集, it is important to know how to tell your story. 学生们将通过英语/创意写作和戏剧之间令人兴奋的合作,探索创造性的方式来创作和讲述故事. Come Join the fun!

HON 100-A: In this course, students are invited to connect, inquire, and explore with their SAU Honors Community. Through collaborative activities and independent research, 学生学习跨学科探究和正规买球平台有哪些参与的基础知识. They explore their HON 101 topic from a variety of perspectives, see new connections, and reflect on how these shape their own views. 这些课程将满足2个通识教育要求:1个创意艺术和1个人文电影与文学. HON 101-A, HON-100-A.

So, what's next?

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